〜ニライカナイ〜 Niraikanai
森の中の海 Birth, Death and Inbetween
Her home office is in Sooke. Time to time, she travels back to Japan to offer workshops and private sessions. She used to be an English conversation teacher, an international flight attendant and a translator. Along side, she had been practicing energy healings and that has been over 20 years. She was highly intuitive as a child and empathetic. Upon visiting Findhorn in 1998, she started to see auras clearly. Energy was vivid around her and it was not only from people but also everything else around her. However, that had ceased once yet in 2005, her empathetic ability suddenly deepened and started to pick up symptoms and pains at random from people around her. She then wondered, "So, what can I do with this?" At that time, she was introduced to the Quantum-Touch® which had been and was going to lead to numbers of synchronicities. Her reaction was immediate and got the certification in a flush. That stopped her to pick up symptoms from people around and started to receive the same information in different ways. Since then, she had expanded her practice to mediumship and bodywork like Lymph-Care. Her passion is to help clients become happy, healthy and abundant. Total balance is the key! Her workshops and private sessions are usually full, so book in advance!
略歴 (関連資格取得/技術習得歴)
1998年 レイキ・ファースト&セカンド習得
1998年 フィンドホーンにて1週間の体験週間に参加
2005年 クォンタムタッチ 基礎&上級コース修了
2006年 クォンタムタッチ 合宿参加
2006年 レイキ・サード習得
2007年 リコネクティブ・リコネクション習得
2008年 ヒプノバーシング習得 同プラクティショナーに認定
2008年 ローゼンメソッド習得
2009年 Hear to Heart ヒーリング習得
2011年 Doula(出産介添え者)資格修了
2013年 Mediumship講座修了 同プラクティショナーに認定
2013年さとう式リンパケア インストラクター資格習得
2017年看取り士認定受領 同講師資格習得